What quality do you value most in a friend?

Daily writing prompt
What quality do you value most in a friend?

Friendship -well my definition of friendship is totally different . I am not explaining it here, but I will write in general terms about the qualities of friendship.

Trust,Loyalty , positivity etc are a few qualities.

The basis of a strong friendship is trust. Your life is positively enriched by having friends you can confide in without worrying about their opinions or betrayal. Your emotional and physical boundaries are respected by a good buddy.

They treat you with respect and appreciate your perspectives, even if they don’t align with their own. Friends who are reliable exhibit consistency in both their words and actions. A trustworthy friend is one who always follows through, whether it’s maintaining their word, showing up on time, or lending a helping hand when necessary.

  • I know people who fetch help from you but never favour back. I know friends back then who have now become no less than strangers. I know people who have heavy arrogance filled in .
Whovever is reading this, please be kind and polite . It costs nothing. And go on to spread kindness. It is rewarding !πŸ’–πŸ€πŸ™Œ

Published by Man Kun

A budding author under the pen-name Man Kun Absolutely funny, relatable to gen-z and read-worthy posts & write-ups by the author give the readers immense pleasure.

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